Module 1

Introduction to C Programming

    Overview of C: History, importance, and applications.
    Setting up the environment: Installing a compiler (GCC) and IDE (Code::Blocks, Dev-C++).
    Understanding the basic structure of a C program: main(), comments, and simple output with printf().
Module 2

Variables, Data Types, and Operators

    Understanding data types: int, float, char, double, and void.
    Declaring and initializing variables.
    Operators in C: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, and assignment operators.
Module 3

Control Flow and Loops

    Decision-making statements: if, else, switch.
    Looping structures: for, while, and do-while loops.
    Nested loops and conditional statements for complex logic.
Module 4

Functions and Recursion

    Functions: Defining, declaring, and calling functions.
    Passing parameters to functions: By value and by reference.
    Recursion in C: Understanding base case and recursive calls with examples.
Module 5

Arrays, Pointers, and Memory Management

    Arrays: Declaring, initializing, and accessing array elements.
    Introduction to pointers: Understanding memory addresses and pointer manipulation.
    Dynamic memory management: Using malloc(), calloc(), and free().
Module 6

Structures, File Handling, and Projects

    Structures: Defining and using structures for storing data.
    File handling: Reading and writing data to files (fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), fscanf()).
    Final Project: Implementing a simple C application (e.g., student database, basic calculator).